eNews: H.264/JPEG IP Cores – Overview


Our IP and design partner A2E provides FPGA and ASIC developer with H.264 and JPEG IP cores ׳’ג‚¬ג€œ Review

H.264 ENCODER and CODEC Micro Footprint Cores – NOW WITH ׳’ֲŸֲ¨ 1ms latency @ 1080p30!

A licensable ITAR compliant, customizable H.264 Core targeted at FPGAs that provides 1080p60 H.264 Baseline support in the smallest and fastest single core in the industry with the following flavors:

JPEG Cores

A licensable ITAR compliant, customizable JPEG Core targeted at Xilinx FPGAs that provides high-resolution JPEG Baseline functionality with true grayscale support.


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